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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Freedom to Change

A one-day introductory workshop at the beautiful and peaceful Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino California


Saturday, October 19, 2024 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.









Facilitators: Barbara and Seth Wegher-Thompson

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” —1 Corinthians 6:19

The Alexander Technique (AT) is a method of rediscovering natural balance, ease, and poise through thinking in activity. AT brings one to the awareness of how to use the least effort needed throughout our body in relationship to the goals of any given moment of our lives. The result is a unity of Mind, Body, Environment, and Intention. It is not an exercise regime. AT is an educational method that teaches how to improve one’s posture, balance, and coordination by changing poor postural habits. It’s been used for over 100 years worldwide. AT helps relieve chronic tension, stress, and stiffness; improve alertness; and positively affect the outcome of any goal. It can be applied to both daily activities (such as sitting, standing, walking, and lifting) as well as specialized activities (such as public speaking, singing, dancing, exercising, and playing an instrument). Wherever you are, whatever you are striving to achieve, AT brings ease to your body as you are achieving your intended goal.

This workshop is a wonderful introduction for beginners as well as a refresher for those who are familiar with AT.
Please wear clothing that will be comfortable for movement. If you have a yoga mat, please bring it with you. We will have some to use if you don’t have one.

Fee: $60 with lunch; $50 without lunch

Space is very limited.

Register by October 16 with a non-refundable deposit of $10. 

Register online directly with the Holy Spirit Retreat Center at


The Holy Spirit Retreat Center, as a chartered ministry of the Sisters of Social Service, is rooted in Scripture and the spirit of St. Benedict. They strive to create an atmosphere of prayer and hospitality where community is nourished, each person can thrive and an interfaith environment is established.

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Intro Workshops

Introduction to the Alexander Technique Classes

3 Thursdays, 5:30 – 7:30pm October 24 – November 7, 2024

Classes will be held on the campus of The Conejo Valley Adult Education Center in Thousand Oaks, California, ​

1025 Old Farm Rd., Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

(805) 497-2761

Room A

Cost: $55 + $5 material fee to instructor at first class


Register online with the Conejo Valley Adult School










Alexander Technique is not an exercise in the traditional sense, the Alexander Technique applies body alignment principles to reduce stress, fatigue and muscle tension and to counteract chronic pain due to poor posture and lower back injuries. Wear comfortable clothing. Instructor: Barbara Wegher-Thompson, MA (UCLA), has taught Alexander Technique and Dance since 1991 at CLU. Certified in 1991 at the Alexander Foundation in Philadelphia, she is a teaching member of Alexander Technique International. 

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